Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello world.

Josh here, guest blogging for Ms. Bryant. Thanks for having me first off. There is no place I'd rather be in cyberspace than right here with whoever is reading this.

So, did you hear about the Energizer Bunny? I guess he was arrested and charged with battery.

I got a job in a Blanket Factory, but it folded.

And finally practice safe eating, always use condiments.

Ok, the monologue is over. If you're still here thanks. Well I guess Leslie said in her last blog that I was working at an upscale movie theater. I'm afraid she wasn't lying. I do work at a movie theater. Its interesting to say the least. I'm trying to think of a funny story about work, but I can't get past the fact that I'm 23, work at a movie theater and live at home. So lets just laugh (or cry) about that.

I'm trying to get a teaching job for next year. I'd like to teach middle school math. I'm not having a whole lot of luck right now. Here's the deal, I had some terrible teachers growing up. So it can get a little frustrating looking for a job. If I took the high school certification test, I could probably get a job easier, but let's be honest, high schoolers are annoying. I kind of forgot about how annoying they are, but then I started working at a movie theater. Then I remembered.

So, I've enjoyed Lost this season a lot. Until last week, I thought that episode was lame. But I was talking to Leslie about it and I said something like "this season has been a lot about Jack's redemption". If you watch Lost, you probably agree, if you don't watch Lost, you probably don't care. Anyways, Leslie has been making fun of me nonstop for it. So I'm just trying to get people on my side by telling you this.

Leslie is thinking about not blogging anymore. So, I'm starting a movement to keep her blogging. Join me and lets keep Leslie online!!!

Thats all I got. Stay Sweet.


  1. You can't stop blogging! My heart skips a beat every time I see you've updated.

  2. keep blogging!! I love the things both of you have to say!

    And Josh- I know it's rough waiting for the right job to come around (God will provide it), but I'm glad that you do have one in the meantime :) and remember, there is no shame in working at a movie long as it's a classy place ;).
