Monday, August 31, 2009

Aaaand, I'm back in school. And I'm scared. I'm taking three classes this semester, and one of them is an online course. I just looked at all the course assignments and I am FREAKING OUT! I honestly still feel like I am 14 years old--and 14 year olds should not be in graduate level courses.

I always do this, though, I always think that there's no way I could ever do something, and I worry about it and cry about it and panic about it, and then after I'm all done with that, I actually do the assignment and it's not even that big of a deal. So my goal for this year is to stop all the panicking and just take care of business. I think that if I do that, I will be a much more pleasant person.

I'm also currently scared that a) elementary school children will break me down and make me cry as I attempt to substitute teach and b) what if I find out that I totally don't have what it takes to be a special education teacher?

Alright, so, I'm not going to panic over these things anymore!! My dad wrote to me in an email this morning "Git r done"...and I almost threw up. I have told him time and time again to not say that anymore! So I will not be "gitting r done", but I WILL be more confident in what I am capable of and I will trust God and not worry so much.

John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me, and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing."


  1. Amen! Leslie, you are amazing and I love how humble you are, BUT I think that you underestimate yourself. I'm so glad you have confidence that the Lord has equipped you for where you are right now! yay for classes too! I know you're going to dominate them!

    I misssss youuuuu...whenever your not busy schooling, come over and we can play wii!

  2. Hey who wants me to guest-blog on leslie's blog!?!? Say aye!!
