Friday, October 16, 2009

First off, I need to vent about some things. This seems to be a good place to do that. Some people's facebook statuses make me want to set myself on fire. And yet, I still read them all just so I have an excuse to be annoyed, which I know is lame, but whatever! I'm especially tired of the facebook statuses that are all the same, like "The Office wedding tonight!" or "Relaxin' and watching my 'Boys...Tony Romo better not let me down again..." Also I hate it when facebook statuses say things like "I'm so hungry. What should I eat for lunch?" 20 minutes later: "Looks like it's gonna be Chickfila!" 20 minutes later: "I'm stuffed!"

I had a flat tire on my way to work this morning. But a very nice middle-aged man helped me. He just aired it up, so I don't think it had a hole or anything in it. It seems to be fine now...don't you worry your pretty little head over it!

I subbed for a first grade class yesterday. It was quite possibly the worst day ever. The other teachers were really nice and told me that their regular teacher is disorganized and doesn't have much control of them, so my chances of having a good day with them weren't too good in the first place. They really were just BAD kids. Sorry to say it. But I gotta be real. I warned them, I separated them, I left their name for the teacher, I took away some recesses, I had the teacher next door come in and talk to them....literally, nothing I did or said made even a 1% difference in their behavior. They came up to me and tattle-taled on each other every other second, they pushed each other, they cussed at each other, they did obscene gestures at each other, they threw pencils at each other, they mocked me when I spoke, they didn't listen to the morning announcements, they didn't listen to instructions for assignments, most of them didn't DO their assignments...the teacher left cut-and-paste spelling assignments which was a mess, they tried to sneak scissors and tape from the teacher's desk...did I mention that every time ANY of this happened, they would come up to me and tell on each other? It was a nightmare. Did I cry during my break? Yes. Did I cry after school? Yes. Should I have cried? No. They are first graders. But I did...I was just so freaking tired. Oh, and my favorite part was "Ms. Bryant, are you pregnant? Are you gonna have a baby?" "No." "Then why is your stomach so big?"

I know I shouldn't come to the conclusion that all first graders suck and I'll never teach first grade, but that's baaaasically exactly the conclusion that I've come to.

It ended up a good day though, because when I told Josh about my day, he came over with a dozen roses (he's going to kill me for telling you he did that), and when his parents found out, they took us out to dinner, which was so nice. They're basically my new bffs.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Well everyone, it's official. I'm subbing now. I've worked every day this week and it's so have to constantly be on top of things or you will be owned by 16 third graders at once. I've done 3rd grade a few times, 6th grade, and today I was in a resource class for K-2. I just have to say, I have so much respect for teachers. It takes a lot of TRUE GRIT (Awards assembly, 2005). I just hope I have what it takes to be a good teacher. I'm still figuring that out.

Last Thursday was my first day to sub. The class was sooo good. Then I was at that school again yesterday and they saw me walking down the hall and said "Ms. Bryant! Ms. Bryant!" and lined up to give me hugs. I just love how loving kids are. It's the best ever.

My other favorite moment was today when I was in a special ed classroom. This adorable black boy with big blurry glasses, Miles, was supposed to go with a teacher to a different classroom. He was throwing a fit, not wanting to go with her, so he ran to me and hugged my legs and said in the most pathetic voice ever, "Ms. Bryant, I luh you!!" I know he wasn't exactly behaving, but I had to hide my laugh...and at another point he ran around the room for about 10 minutes laughing hysterically and holding about 12 toothbrushes in his hands. It was really frustrating, but again, it was hilarious and just plain ridiculous.

Today, there was also a second grader named Simon. When any student walked into the room, he brought them over to me and said "I don't think you've met Ms. Bryant yet. Shake her hand and tell her it's nice to meet her." I know it doesn't sound that exciting as I type it, but it was really cute.

Of course, there are other times where I just want to leave and go home in the middle of the day. Subbing is definitely sucky at times. But overall, I'm liking it a lot. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a 4 hour nap to recover from the day.